Candidates for this type of body contouring have lost a massive amount of weight, usually 100 pounds or more. As a result, they have a large amount of sagging skin that results in abnormal body contours. It can also be physically uncomfortable, as the pockets or rolls of skin can chafe, pinch, and generally weigh you down. If you want to be free of excess skin following significant weight loss, you may be a candidate for body contouring.
To qualify for surgery, you should already be at your goal weight. You should delay surgery for several months until you are sure your weight has stabilized. In addition, as a candidate for body contouring, you should have overall good health. If you have an autoimmune disease, diabetes, a blood disorder, or some other condition that may compromise healing, it can affect your candidacy for treatment.
The benefits of body contouring after massive weight loss can be truly life-changing. Hanging skin will no longer rub together or weigh you down. In fact, the surgical removal of the loose skin will generally result in a loss of an additional 10-15 pounds. You will have more options in choice of clothing, and your clothes will fit better and highlight your new figure. Abnormal contours will no longer detract from your weight loss success, and patients can look forward to an improved body image and a boost in self-confidence.