Body fat transfer

Body Fat Transfer

A Body Fat Transfer, also known as a fat transplant or body fat grafting, is a natural way to restore shape and volume to parts of the body that sag or become hollow with age, like the breasts or buttocks. We remove fat from the areas of a patient’s body that hold extra weight using specialized liposuction devices and transfer it to other areas that need a volume enhancement. It’s a minimally invasive process that yields visible results almost instantly. Fat transfer (or “fat grafting”) for body contouring is a safe, minimally invasive treatment option with the goal of achieving natural lift, volume, and definition, as well as correcting bodily disproportions and indentations.

Unlike enhancement procedures that involve putting foreign objects or substances into the body, fat transfer treatment uses only the patient’s own body fat. Using gentle vibration, we can remove fat from the problem areas of your body, like the stomach, abdomen, hips, thighs, flanks, or buttocks, without killing or damaging the fat cells—we also put the extracted fat through a centrifuge for further purification. We can then inject your purified fat cells into another part of your body that has lost shape and plumpness with age.

You won’t have to worry about cutting, ripping, cooling, tearing, or being put under general anesthesia, and because Fat Transfer is a natural process that uses your body’s own fat cells, there’s no risk of implant rejection or any other negative reaction to a foreign object. You’ll notice your new look before you leave our clinic, and you should be able to get back to your everyday activities within 24-48 hours.

Fat happens to be a wonderful “filler” for adding volume to areas where it’s needed because it’s natural-looking and feeling, and it comes from your own body—so there’s no risk of an allergic reaction. The procedure works by using liposuction to remove unwanted fat from one part of the body, purifying it, and then injecting it into another part of the body where it’s needed. So not only does fat transfer build up one area of the body; it gets rid of fat in another.

  • Adds lift, shape, volume, and definition to needed areas
  • Provides additional contour to and sculpting
  • Refills/camouflages indentations and irregularities from past procedures

Unlike traditional body enhancement options, which involves the insertion of unnatural, foreign objects, our Fat Transfer procedure uses only the body’s natural fat, delivering far superior results.

Natural fat allows the tissue to restore volume that naturally falls as a result of aging or pregnancy.

Transferred fat helps reshape the body in a way that looks and feels natural.

The first step of fat transfer surgery is harvesting fat deposits from the body. However, not all of the fat collected from the body during liposuction will be re-injected into the body. First, the fat will have to be purified and the remaining viable fat will be used for augmentation or rejuvenation. This means that during liposuction the doctor will have to harvest just the right amount of fat to provide the individual with their augmentation desires.

For these reasons, patients should have multiple locations of excess fat on their body. Typically, Dr. Eric Bachelor will harvest fat from two or three donor locations in order to procure enough fat for the procedure. Because of this, slimmer patients with little excess fat on their body may not be good candidates for fat transfer procedures. This can only be determined however during a consultation examination.

Some common donor locations include:

  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Hips
  • Inner and outer thighs

Unlike traditional body augmentation procedures that insert foreign material into your body, our Natural Fat Transfer treatments enhance your target areas using only your body’s own fat. No maintenance is necessary, and the transfer areas will age normally.

Yes. Half of the fat cells transferred will remain in their new location permanently and although the area will age normally along with the rest of your body (unlike foreign implants), the transferred fat will resist the loss of volume that occurs in most people who haven’t experienced a body fat transfer procedure.

Body Fat Transfer 1

Buttocks augmentation using fat grafting is commonly referred to as a Brazilian Butt Lift. The Brazilian Butt Lift is today the preferred technique of buttocks augmentation over implants. In this procedure, fat is typically harvested from the lower back and flanks and then injected into the upper buttocks. This creates a dramatic contrast between the waist and the buttocks, giving the appearance of a larger volume increase. By injecting fat into the upper portion of the buttocks, this also gives the simultaneous appearance of a lift.

In order to ensure the best results, patients will have to avoid sitting on their butt for at least three weeks following surgery. This makes sure that the majority of fat cells take to the new location. It also keeps the butt appearing perky and makes sure that it does not settle into a flattened appearance. During this time, patients are asked to spend most of their time lying on their stomachs or sides. They should also take a brief, but frequent walks.